719-783-9636 kaganandson@icloud.com

Forestry and Timber Management


In 2018 we saw the need for mechanical forest management, particularly in the urban interface zone. We started K & S Forestry as a subsidiary of Kagan and Son, and assembled a fleet of modern forestry equipment. We are able to work in urban residential settings as well as carry out full scale logging. We have performed work for individual property owners with specific needs and restrictions, as well as for the Colorado State Forest Service, NRCS, and USFS.

Because we complete all forest management tasks in house, we can ensure our motto of “safety-quality-productivity.” Our goal is to make sure that all the parties involved are educated in the procedures of our forestry projects so that the final product meets or exceeds expectations.

Photos & links

3-4 in screened rock

Forest Management

1_5_crushed_rock screened

After the
Work Is Complete

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Wildland Fire Fighting and
Post Fire Reclamation

Kagan & Son, LLC | Westcliffe | Colorado 81252 | 719-783-9636 | kaganandson@icloud.com
© 2025 Kagan & Son, LLC